Confusion Species

This section is here to give you extra assistance with the identification of some of the trickier species of moth you may find.  The following articles are currently available to download:

Thera moths Grey Pine Carpet/Spruce Carpet

Mottled Grey/Early Tooth striped

Common Confusion Species

Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet

The moths below are the most likely species to be encountered. If you suspect the uncommon or rare option is the moth you have, please follow the recommendations above. They are listed in the order in which they appear in the reference books (except Light Emerald)

  Common SpeciesSpecies frequently misidentified in the past
Narrow-bordered 5-Spot Burnet, 6-Spot BurnetFive-spot Burnet
Light EmeraldSmall Emerald, Barred Red (green form)
Single-dotted Wave, Small Fan-footed WaveDotted Border Wave, Treble Brown-spot
Small fan-footed Wave (Dark form)Small Dusty Wave (also a common species)
Riband WavePlain Wave
Common Wave, Common White WaveCream Wave, Lesser Cream Wave
Hypsopygia costalis “Gold Triangle” (a micro moth)Purple-bordered Gold
Dark-barred Twin-spot CarpetRed Twin-spot Carpet
Common CarpetWood Carpet, Galium Carpet
Barred Straw, Northern SpinachSpinach, Dark Spinach
Small PhoenixPhoenix
Common Marbled CarpetDark Marbled Carpet
Grey Pine CarpetPine Carpet
Foxglove PugToadflax Pug (less common than Foxglove)
Small RivuletRivulet (less frequent than Small Rivulet)
Treble-barLesser Treble-bar
Toothed-stripedMottled Grey – both species are rather local
Canary-shouldered Thorn, September ThornAugust Thorn
Early ThornPurple Thorn/Lunar Thorn
Mottled Umber (plain form)Scarce Umber (local species)
Willow Beauty, Mottled Beauty
Both common – take care identifying each
Satin Beaunty (range expanding)
Great and Pale Oak Beauty (not on county list)
Sallow KittenPoplar Kitten, Alder Kitten
Swallow Prominent/Lesser Swallow ProminentBoth common – take care when identifying
Double Square-spotTriple-spotted Clay
LychnisLight Brocade
Dusky Brocade (some forms)Dark Brocade, Confused
Clouded DrabLead-coloured Drab, Northern Drab
Smoky WainscotCommon Wainscot, Southern Wainscot
ChestnutDark Chestnut (not particularly uncommon)
Common Rustic/Lesser Common Rustic
Require gen.det. to separate confinently
Small Clouded Brindle, Brindle
Rosy RusticButterbur
Mottled Rustic/ Rustic/ UncertainTricky threesome, all can be locally common
Beautiful Golden Y/Plain Golden YBoth common but worn ones can be tricky
Fan-footCommon Fan-foot